Saturday, August 05, 2006

No news is good news…

…but when your neurosurgeon calls you back right away, that is bad news.

The results of the MRI came in this week and they were um… not great. We were concerned about two spots in the thoracic area from the April scan and it turned out that the concern was valid: two tumors were found between my shoulder blades. The scan also showed three tumors very low in the sacral area.

For those who are keeping score, that is a total of five tumors.

There was more odd news in that the doctor said that it wasn’t the tumors causing my symptoms. I have another, unrelated, degenerative spinal disease that is causing problems.

I'll write more about this and what it all means later. Right now I am just sick of thinking about it.

There is some good news at least: all the Simonson cars are up and running again, so we've go that going for us, which is nice.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Kate -- I can't tell you how sorry I've been to hear the news. Can't find your email address, though, and it doesn't really seem like "comment" material. Call if you want to talk (about this or other stuff). We're thinking about you.