Sunday, March 19, 2006

What Wednesday looks like from here

This week Claudia learned to stand without support. And with quite a flourish, too, I might add.

Here is Claudia in a string of Emily's dress up beads. No matter where we hide these, Claudia will find them and put them on. But while her selection of jewelry seems to run toward the formal, she seems to have no problem with the "one sock on, one sock off" approach to clothing.

Let's call this photo "An open letter to our friends and family."

Claudia has a birthday coming up in a few weeks and I want everyone out there to take a moment to see how Dora has taken over our house. There is no need for birthday gifts at all, but especially not Dora the Explorer gifts.

Maybe you think that the more loudly talking television characters in one house the better, and that's fine for you, but we here have hit our personal limit. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that Dora is so happy to be a big sister, to dance, to do whatever else it is that she does, but I am not sure that I can take another chipper song from her. The girls clearly feel otherwise.

Dora-givers, you know who you are. Take pitty on me.

On the other hand, we live by the rule that you can never have too many books. The photo above just shows the ones that the girls have stuffed into the bottom of the china cabinet in the dining room. Feel free to send us all the books that your heart desires. Send us you address and we'll send YOU books. We are happy to be cheerleaders for books.

Just keep Dora out of it, please.

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