Saturday, December 01, 2007

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

When a state-wide winter storm and ice warning is sent out many families decide to stay in for the weekend. Not us! In fact, there is rarely a weekend that you won't see us making the hour-long trek to Eric's parent's house for the weekend. This icy, cold one, where we fully expect that we might get stuck away from home, or even on the road, is no exception.

In fact, early this year Eric actually drove us here in snow that had piled up higher than the van and had been cleared only in a single car wide path on the highway. We, in our cruddy old van that held our beloved small children, ventured down this path only to come upon a car heading right toward us. After a small stand off we ended up backing up almost a mile, uphill, through blinding snow in a car wide path of six foot high snow. We are not the smartest people that you know.

Even still Eric and the girls are enjoying the icy covering in the backyard.

Ben, our dog, likes it too.

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