Friday, October 13, 2006

A blog AND a digital camera? God help us all!

For my birthday I got a digital camera and so I have been documenting everything in our lives since then. While it isn't what I would call an exciting life, it is a full one.

This week:

A) We all continued to be sick and grumpy, but there were moments of comforting kindness to be found here and there.

B) Emily and Claudia rediscovered the joy of suckers. Sadly, Emily has yet to master the precise art of headband wearing, which drives me crazy.

C) Claudia continued to enjoy the freedom of being able to feed herself. These pictures are from two separate meals but on the same day.

D) We took in my nephew Ryan's elementary school football game with our dear friend, Evie. I am not just "not a fan" of sports; I loathe sports. But I do get a kick out of all of the ten year-olds out there in their giant pads.

E) And, lastly, Thursday night we took part in the Belmond Fire Department Open House by riding around town on top of a fire truck in the 20-something degree weather. This is life on the edge in a small town, hanging perilously off an engine cruising down Main Street in the dark.

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