Saturday, November 24, 2007

Getting their requests in early

This is a picture the the Ft. Dodge paper put on their website after the girls and I were caught visiting Santa on Friday. If there is a less attractive position for a very pregnant woman to be in than squatting down, I can't imagine what it is.

Here Santa is asking the girls what they would like for Christmas and I am translating from very quiet, shy girl speak into English. The two girls ahead of us in line had each written a book, the heft of which would rival War and Peace, of their wish lists. My girls are much less greedy. One thing makes them as happy as a hundred.

When Santa asked Emily what she wanted she said a fish, that's it, nothing else. "Really?" Santa inquired, "Nothing else?" she said, "Mmm, maybe a tank for the fish." (Hear that Dean and Cynthia?)

Next Santa asked Claudia what she wanted. She answered, eyeing the box of candy canes that Santa gives to all the children that come to see him, and said that she wanted a candy cane. "Anything else?" asked Santa. No, that was pretty much all she wanted.

Here are the girls on Santa's lap. Clearly they are thrilled.

1 comment:

Dean Hougen said...

When Santa asked Emily what she wanted she said a fish, that's it, nothing else. "Really?" Santa inquired, "Nothing else?" she said, "Mmm, maybe a tank for the fish." (Hear that Dean and Cynthia?)

Your child is a saint.